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업종 식당
매매가 189,000
도시 Members Only
주(state) Members Only

Offered by The Shumacher Group/Atlanta: Commercial Restaurant Real Estate and Business Brokerage.
--여기에 연락하세요.


Sandy Springs Restaurant and Bar located in the heart of all the action.

Nationally anchored shopping center.

Seating for over 60.
Outdoor patio seats 60.
Full service bar seats 15.

Long term lease with options to renew at $6,200 per month.

Fully equipped and state of the art facility.

2016 Gross Sales $696,000.
2016 Net Profit $129,000 after all expenses.

Two Partners work about 30-hours a week each.

Turn-key or convert to any concept including Mexican, Taqueria, BBQ, Asian, Poke Bar, Indian, Greek, Italian, etc. with only minimal cosmetic work needed if at all.

Great staff in place for flawless transition.

Well established business.

비지니스 매매 - 팝니다

비지니스를 팔고자 하시는 분들이 게시물을 올리십니다.

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